************************************************ ZUNIQ IS LOOKING FOR BETA SITES FOR ITS IMAGER PRODUCT ************************************************ IMAGER: The Smalltalk/V Image Manager IMAGER is: ù a sophisticated application browser ù a version management tool ù full program documentation support ù application printing, profiling and testing ù and more! (all with source code) IMAGER replaces the ClassHierarchyBrowser and offers a highly integrated environment which supports most V programming activities. IMAGER is unobtrusive; it promotes good Smalltalk programming and code management practice but NEVER at the expense of your productivity. Most of all, it is VERY easy to learn and use. When you program in Smalltalk you actually modify the image by adding or modifying classes, methods and variables. Once this is done, the standard Smalltalk environment provides no efficient way of identifying code belonging to a given application. IMAGER's application browser presents the image from an application point of view. Classes belonging entirely or partially to an application are graphically highlighted and thus distinguished from other classes. ù Applications developed with IMAGER can be filed in without IMAGER. ù Non-application code can be imported or filed into an application. ù Each application may have its own particular version of a given method or class, with only the latest version being active. ù Code templates can be customized. ù IMAGER is itself an IMAGER application. Smalltalk makes it very easy to adopt an incremental style of programming. However it is no big help when you want to retreat to an earlier position, that is when you want to UNDO modifications you made to your code. Even though Smalltalk keeps all versions of your code in its change log, sifting through it is very often inefficient and frustrating. IMAGER keeps a chronological index on all versions of all methods and classes. With the History Browser, it is very easy to find an earlier version and reinstate it as is or with some modifications. When an application which redefined some code is removed, the previous version of this code is reinstated. In other words, removing an application does not leave holes in other applications. Since version management is a cornerstone of effective project management, IMAGER is an indispensable tool for any sizable Smalltalk/V project. IMAGER provides documentation browsers for applications, classes and methods. Each browser has entries appropriate for the object being documented. The standard entries can be modified by the user. The documentation is kept on a single file which can be simply removed on delivery of the application, if so desired. Individual methods, classes and even complete applications can be printed out as reports. Reports, which merge both code and documentation, are automatically formatted and paginated. Each report is prefaced by a table of contents which is also automatically generated. IMAGER organizes the applications which make up your extensions to the standard Smalltalk/V image. The IMAGE BROWSER presents a hierarchical view of all existing applications. The application tree can be edited to reflect changes in inter-dependencies or simply to give a new name to an application. IMAGER offers a diversified set of tools and functions which come in handy when accessing and modifying global information. This set includes, among others, a Global Variables Browser and a Dependents Browser. You can customize IMAGER in many ways. For example, with the Template Editor, you can modify the formats of your documentation to suit your specific needs. And remember: IMAGER is delivered in source code form. IMAGER's Code Profiler tells you where most of the processing time goes. The Code Profiler also shows you what the execution tree looks like. IMAGER runs under V/MAC and V286. Both versions are currently undergoing beta testing. If you are interested in become a test site, want more information and/or want to purchase IMAGER ($99.95), contact: Jean-Francois Cloutier Zuniq Corp. 2035 Cote de Liesse #200 Montreal, QC Canada H4N 2M5 tel:. (514) 332-1331 fax: (514) 956-1032