*** This is _alpha_ software -- use at your own risks ***

IPTables module allows you to manipulate netfilter rules from the comfort
perl.  It does this by interacting directly with libiptc.

IT *may* work for you, may not.  I'm still developing it and it quiet a
hack right now.  If you do have problems getting it workign however, let 
me know and i'll try and fix ASAP ;)

0.  Prerequisites:
        - Perl version 5.005_03 or more recent.
	- Linux 2.4 or greater
        - libiptc.a in /usr/lib/.
	- ip_tabled support in kernel ;)

1.  Installation steps:
	- If you have libiptc.a (developemtn files from iptables source) in
	  a place other than /usr/lib, then edit Makefile.PL before following these instructions.

        -from the directory where this file is located, type:
        perl Makefile.PL
        make test
        make install

Problems, Comments, Etc
Mail to me at theo@crazygreek.co.uk.