Catalyst::Controller::Combine - Combine JS/CSS Files

        # use the helper to create your Controller
        script/ controller Js Combine
        # or:
        script/ controller Css Combine

        # DONE. READY FOR USE.

        # Just use it in your template:
        # will deliver all JavaScript files concatenated (in Js-Controller)
        <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/file1/file2/.../filex.js"></script>

        # will deliver all CSS files concatenated (in Css-Controller)
        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/file1/file2/.../filex.css" />

        # in the generated controller you may add this to allow minification
        # the trick behind is the existence of a sub named 'minify' 
        # inside your Controller.
        use JavaScript::Minifier::XS qw(minify);
            # or:
        use CSS::Minifier::XS qw(minify);
    Catalyst Controller that concatenates (and optionally minifies) static
    files like JavaScript or CSS into a single request. Depending on your
    configuration, files are also auto-added with a simple

    The basic idea behind concatenation is that all files one Controller
    should handle reside in a common directory.

    Assuming you have a directory with JavaScript files like:

         +-- prototype.js
         +-- helpers.js
         +-- site.js

    Then you could combine all files in a single tag (assuming your
    directory for the Controller is set to 'static/js' -- which is the

        <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/prototype/helpers/site.js"></script>

    If you add a dependency into your Controller's config like:

            depend => {
                helpers => 'prototype',
                site    => 'helpers',

    Now, the URI to retrieve the very same JavaScript files can be

        <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/site.js"></script>

    A simple configuration of your Controller could look like this:

            # the directory to look for files
            # defaults to 'static/<<action_namespace>>'
            dir => 'static/js',
            # the (optional) file extension in the URL
            # defaults to action_namespace
            extension => 'js',
            # optional dependencies
            depend => {
                scriptaculous => 'prototype',
                builder       => 'scriptaculous',
                effects       => 'scriptaculous',
                dragdrop      => 'effects',
                slider        => 'scriptaculous',
                myscript      => [ qw(slider dragdrop) ],
            # name of the minifying routine (defaults to 'minify')
            # will be used if present in the package
            minifier => 'minify',
            # mimetype of response if wanted
            # will be guessed from extension if possible and not given
            # falls back to 'text/plain' if not guessable
            mimetype => 'application/javascript',


    constructor for this Moose-driven class

  do_combine :Action

    the `do_combine' Action-method may be used like this (eg in

        sub default :Path {
            my $self = shift;
            my $c = shift;

    However, a predeclared `default' method like this is already present --
    see below.

    All files in the remaining URL will be concatenated to a single
    resulting stream and optionally minified if a sub named 'minify' in your
    Controller's package namespace exists.

    Thus, inside your Controller a simple

        # for JavaScript you may do
        use JavaScript::Minifier::XS qw(minify);
        # for CSS quite similar:
        use CSS::Minifier::XS qw(minify);

    will do the job and auto-minify the stream.

  default :Path

    a standard handler for your application's controller

    maps to the path_prefix of your actual controller and consumes the
    entire URI

  uri_for :Private

    handle uri_for requests (not intentionally a Catalyst-feature :-)
    requires a patched `uri_for' method in your app! my one looks like the
    sub below.

    If this method is used, the URI will only contain files that will not
    automatically get added in by dependency resolution. Also, a simple
    GET-parameter is added that reflects the unix-timestamp of the most
    resent file that will be in the list of combined files. This helps the
    browser to do proper caching even if files will change. Admittedly this
    is most of the time needed during development.

        # in my
        sub uri_for {
            my $c = shift;
            my $path = shift;
            my @args = @_;
            if (blessed($path) && $path->class && $path->class->can('uri_for')) {
                # the path-argument was a component that can help
                # let the controller handle this for us
                #   believe me, it can do it!
                return $c->component($path->class)->uri_for($c, $path, @args);
            # otherwise fall back into the well-known behavior
            $c->next::method($path, @args);
        # alternatively, using Catalyst 5.8 you may do this:
        around 'uri_for' => sub {
            my $orig = shift;
            my $c = shift;
            my $path = shift;
            my @args = @_;
            if (blessed($path) && $path->class && $path->class->can('uri_for')) {
                # let the controller handle this for us
                #   believe me, it can do it!
                return $c->component($path->class)->uri_for($c, $path, @args);
            return $c->$orig($path, @args);

    Wolfgang Kinkeldei, <>

    This library is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.