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App::Greple::frame - Greple frame output module


greple -Mframe --frame ...


Greple -Mframe module provide a capability to put surrounding frames
for each blocks.

`top`, `middle` and `bottom` frames are printed for blocks.

By default **--join-blocks** option is enabled to collect consecutive
lines into a single block.  If you don't like this, override it by
**--no-join-blocks** option.


- **--frame**

            <p><img width="75%" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kaz-utashiro/greple-frame/main/images/terminal-3.png">

    Set frame and fold long lines with frame-friendly prefix string.
    Folding width is taken from the terminal.  Or you can specify the
    width by calling **set** function with module option.

- **--set-frame-width**=_#_

    Set frame width.  You have to put this option before **--frame**
    option.  See **set** function in ["FUNCTION"](#function) section.

- **--frame-pages**

    Output results in multi-column, paginated format to fit the width of
    the terminal.  The number of columns is automatically calculated from
    the terminal width.

            <p><img width="75%" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kaz-utashiro/greple-frame/main/images/terminal-frame-pages.png">


- **set**(**width**=_n_)

    Set terminal width to _n_.  Use like this:

        greple -Mframe::set(width=80) ...

        greple -Mframe::set=width=80 ...

    If non-digit character is found in the value part, it is considered as
    a Reverse Polish Notation, starting terminal width pushed on the
    stack.  RPN `2/3-` means `terminal-width / 2 - 3`.

    You can use like this:

        greple -Mframe::set=width=2/3- --frame --uc '(\w+::)+\w+' --git | ansicolumn -PC2

            <p><img width="75%" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kaz-utashiro/greple-frame/main/images/terminal-column.png">






Kazumasa Utashiro


Copyright 2022-2023 Kazumasa Utashiro.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.