==== NAME ====

LCFG::Build::VCS - LCFG version-control infrastructure


This is a suite of tools designed to provide a standardised interface
to version-control systems so that the LCFG build tools can deal with
project version-control in a high-level abstract fashion. Typically
they provide support for procedures such as importing and exporting
projects, doing tagged releases, generating the project changelog from
the version-control log and checking all changes are committed.

More information on the LCFG build tools is available from the website


This module needs perl 5.10.0 or newer.

To build this module you will need the following:


To use this module you will need the following:

        Moose >= 0.57
        File::Copy::Recursive >= 0.36
        File::HomeDir >= 0.58
        Template >= 2.14

For CVS support you will need the cvs tools installed. Also if you
want to generate project change log files from the CVS revision logs
you will need the cvs2cl script installed.

For subversion support you will need subversion installed. On some
Linux distributions you might also need to install
subversion-tools. If you want to generate project change log files
from the SVN revision logs you will need the svn2cl script installed.


Make sure you have the dependencies installed first! (see DEPENDENCIES above)

If you don't know how to install these, try using the CPAN module, an easy
way of auto-installing modules from the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network,
where the above modules reside. Do "perldoc perlmodinstall" or "perldoc
CPAN" for more information.

To install this module type the following:

   perl Build.PL
   ./Build test
   ./Build install

Or, if you're on a platform (like DOS or Windows) that doesn't like the "./"
notation, you can do this:

   perl Build.PL
   perl Build
   perl Build test
   perl Build install

In order to install somewhere other than the default, such as in a directory
under your home directory, like "/home/fred/perl" go

   perl Build.PL --install_base /home/fred/perl

as the first step instead.

This will install the files underneath /home/fred/perl.

You will also need to make sure that you alter the PERL5LIB variable
to find the modules, and the PATH variable to find the script.

Therefore you will need to change: your path, to include
/home/fred/perl/script (where the script will be)

        export PATH=/home/fred/perl/script:${PATH}

the PERL5LIB variable to add /home/fred/perl/lib

        export PERL5LIB=/home/fred/perl/lib:${PERL5LIB}

If you want to install in a temporary install directory (such as if you are
building a package) then instead of going

   perl Build install


   perl Build install destdir=/my/temp/dir

and it will be installed there, with a directory structure under
/my/temp/dir the same as it would be if it were installed plain. Note that
this is NOT the same as setting --install_base, because certain things are
done at build-time which use the install_base info.

See "perldoc perlrun" for more information on PERL5LIB, and see "perldoc
Module::Build" for more information on installation options.


There are no known bugs in this application. Please report any
problems to bugs@lcfg.org, feedback and patches are also always very

==== AUTHOR ====

Stephen Quinney <squinney@inf.ed.ac.uk>


Copyright (C) 2008-2019 University of Edinburgh

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GPL, version 2 or later.