
=encoding utf-8

★★★ Доброго всем ★★★

=head1 Mojo::Pg::Che


=head1 NAME

Mojo::Pg::Che - mix of great Mojo::Pg and DBI


See L<Mojo::Pg>

=head1 VERSION

Version 0.857


    use Mojo::Pg::Che;

    my $pg = Mojo::Pg::Che->connect("dbname=test;", "postgres", 'pg-pwd', \%attrs, max_connections=>10);
    # or
    my $pg = Mojo::Pg::Che->new
    # or as URL
    my $pg = Mojo::Pg::Che->new('postgresq://postgres@/test');
    # or
    my $pg = Mojo::Pg::Che->new(dsn=>"dbname=test;", username=>"postgres", password=>'pg-pwd', options=>\%attrs, max_connections=>10);
    # from parent Mojo::Pg only
    my $pg2 = Mojo::Pg::Che->new($che->pg);

    # Bloking query
    my $result = $pg->query('select ...', undef, @bind);
    # Cached query
    my $result = $pg->query('select ...', {Cached => 1, ...}, @bind);
    # prepare sth
    my $sth = $pg->prepare('select ...');
    # Non-blocking query for async sth
    $pg->query($sth, undef, @bind, sub {my ($db, $err, $result) = @_; ...});
    Mojo::IOLoop->start unless Mojo::IOLoop->is_running;
    # Mojo::Pg style
    my $now = $pg->db->query('select now() as now')->hash->{now};
    $pg->db->query('select pg_sleep(?::int), now() as now', undef, 2, $cb);
    # DBI style
    my $now = $pg->selectrow_hashref('select now() as now')->{now};
    my $now = $pg->db->selectrow_hashref('select now() as now')->{now};
    my $now = $pg->selectrow_array('select now() as now');

=head2 Transaction syntax

  eval {
    my $tx = $pg->begin;
    $tx->query('insert into foo (name) values (?)', 'bar');
    $tx->do('insert into foo (name) values (?)', 'baz');
  die $@ if $@;
  my $db = $pg->db;
  $db->do('insert into foo (name) values (?)', 'bazzzz');
  $db->query('insert into foo (name) values (?)', 'barrr');

=head1 Non-blocking query

  my @results;
  my $cb = sub {
    my ($db, $err, $results) = @_;
    die $err if $err;
    push @results, $results;
  $pg->query('select ?::date as d, pg_sleep(?::int)', undef, ("2016-06-$_", 1), $cb)
    for 17..23;
  Mojo::IOLoop->start unless Mojo::IOLoop->is_running;
  like($_->hash->{d}, qr/2016-06-\d+/, 'correct async query')
    for @results;


See main <Mojo::Pg#ATTRIBUTES> and source code.

=head1 METHODS

L<Mojo::Pg::Che> does implement the following methods.

=head new

L<Mojo::Pg>-style connecting.

    my $pg = Mojo::Pg::Che->new
    # URL
    my $pg = Mojo::Pg::Che->new('postgresq://postgres@/test');
    # parent Mojo::Pg only
    my $pg2 = Mojo::Pg::Che->new($pg->pg);
    # or
    my $pg = Mojo::Pg::Che->new(dsn=>"dbname=test;", username=>"postgres", password=>'pg-pwd', options=>\%attrs, max_connections=>10);

=head2 connect

L<DBI>-style of new object instance. See L<DBI#connect>

  my $pg = Mojo::Pg::Che->connect("dbname=test;", "postgres", 'pg-pwd', \%attrs, max_connections=>10);

B<NOTE>. Dont set object attrs after C<< ->connect() >>.

=head2 db

From method of L<Mojo::Pg#db>. Because can first input param - DBI database handler (when prepared statement used).

=head2 prepare

Prepare and return DBI statement handler for query string.

=head2 prepare_cached

Prepare and return DBI cached statement handler for query string.

=head2 query

Like L<Mojo::Pg::Database#query> but input params - L<Mojo::Pg::Che#Params-for-quering-methods>

Blocking query without attr B<Async> or callback.

Non-blocking query with attr B<Async> or callback.

=head2 select

Same method C<query>.

=head2 selectrow_array

DBI style quering. See L<DBI#selectrow_array>. Blocking | non-blocking. Input params - L<Mojo::Pg::Che#Params-for-quering-methods>.

=head2 selectrow_arrayref

DBI style quering. See L<DBI#selectrow_arrayref>. Blocking | non-blocking. Input params - L<Mojo::Pg::Che#Params-for-quering-methods>.

=head2 selectrow_hashref

DBI style quering. See L<DBI#selectrow_hashref>. Blocking | non-blocking. Input params - L<Mojo::Pg::Che#Params-for-quering-methods>.

=head2 selectall_arrayref

DBI style quering. See L<DBI#selectall_arrayref>. Blocking | non-blocking. Input params - L<Mojo::Pg::Che#Params-for-quering-methods>.

=head2 selectall_hashref

DBI style quering. See L<DBI#selectall_hashref>. Blocking | non-blocking. Input params - L<Mojo::Pg::Che#Params-for-quering-methods>.

=head2 selectcol_arrayref

DBI style quering. See L<DBI#selectcol_arrayref>. Blocking | non-blocking. Input params - L<Mojo::Pg::Che#Params-for-quering-methods>.

=head2 do

DBI style quering. See L<DBI#do>. Blocking | non-blocking. Input params - L<Mojo::Pg::Che#Params-for-quering-methods>.

=head2 begin

Start transaction and return new L<Mojo::Pg::Che::Database> object which attr C< {tx} > is a L<Mojo::Pg::Transaction> object. Sinonyms are: C<< ->tx >> and C<< ->begin_work >>.

=head1 Params for quering methods

The methods C<query>, C<select...>, C<do> has next ordered input params:

=over 4

=item * String query | statement handler object

=item * Hashref attrs (optional)

=item * Array of bind values (optional)

=item * Last param - callback/coderef for non-blocking (optional)



L<Mojo::Pg::Che> does redefine L<Mojo::Pg> B<_enqueue> and B<_dequeue> subroutines.

=head1 SEE ALSO



=head1 AUTHOR

Михаил Че (Mikhail Che), C<< <mche[-at-]cpan.org> >>


Please report any bugs or feature requests at L<https://github.com/mche/Mojo-Pg-Che/issues>. Pull requests also welcome.


Copyright 2016+ Mikhail Che.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.
