# NAME WWW::Eksi - Interface for Eksisozluk.com # DESCRIPTION An interface for Eksisozluk, a Turkish social network. Provides easy access to entries and lists of entries. # SYNOPSIS use WWW::Eksi; my $e = WWW::Eksi->new; # Last week's most popular entries my @ghebe_fast = $e->ghebe; # might get rate limited my @ghebe_slow = $e->ghebe(5); # add a politeness delay # Yesterday's most popular entries my @debe_fast = $e->debe; # might get rate limited my @debe_slow = $e->debe(5); # add a politeness delay # Alternative list of yesterday's popular entries my @doludolu_fast = $e->doludolu; # might get rate limited my @doludolu_slow = $e->doludolu(5); # add a politeness delay # Single entry my $entry = $e->download_entry(1); # METHODS ## new Returns a new WWW::Eksi object. ## download\_entry($id) Takes entry id as argument, returns its data (if available) as follows. { entry_url => Str topic_url => Str topic_title => Str topic_channels => [Str] author_name => Str author_url => Str author_id => Int body_raw => Str body_text => Str (html tags removed) body_processed => Str (html tags processed) fav_count => Int create_time => DateTime update_time => DateTime } ## ghebe($politeness\_delay) Returns an array of entries for top posts of last week. Ordered from more popular to less popular. ## debe($politeness\_delay) Returns an array of entries for top posts of yesterday. Ordered from more popular to less popular. ## doludolu($politeness\_delay) Returns an array of entries with alternative top posts of yesterday. Ordered from more popular to less popular. # AUTHOR Kivanc Yazan `<kyzn at cpan.org>` # CONTRIBUTORS Mohammad S Anwar, `<mohammad.anwar at yahoo.com>` # COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2020 by Kivanc Yazan. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. Content you reach by using this module might be subject to copyright terms of Eksisozluk. See eksisozluk.com for details.