Time-TAI64 version 2.10

This Module makes available to the user functions to convert TAI64 strings
to unix timestamps suitable to make time calculations.

unixtai64     - converts from unix timestamp into TAI64 string
unixtai64n    - converts from unix timestamp into TAI64N string
unixtai64na   - converts from unix timestamp into TAI64NA string

tai64unix     - converts TAI64 string to unix timestamp
tai64nunix    - converts TAI64N string to unix timestamp
tai64naunix   - converts TAI64NA string to unix timestamp

ta64nlocal    - converts a TAI64N string and returns a string formated with
                scalar(localtime(&tai64nunix($arg))). This is just helpfull
                when dealing with multilog files.

tai2unix      - converts any TAI64/TAI64N/TAI64NA string into a unix timestamp
                returning only an integer with the number of seconds since
                Jan 1, 1970.

tai2strftime  - converts any TAI64/TAI64N/TAI64NA string into a unix timestamp
                formatted using POSIX(strftime) with a default format string
				of "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y"

TAI64 strings require the '@' character preceding the actual string to be
properly recognized.  This allows easy integration with multilog generated

The following TAGS have been defined to import only the necesary functions
into the user namespace:

tai       - tai2unix, tai2strftime
tai64     - :tai, unixtai64,   tai64unix
tai64n    - :tai, unixtai64n,  tai64nunix,  tai64nlocal
tai64na   - :tai, unixtai64na, tai64naunix
all       - :tai, :tai64, :tai64n, :tai64na


To install this module type the following:

   perl Makefile.PL
   make test
   make install


  Time::HiRes  - to generate precision timestamps.


Copyright (C) 2004-2006 by Jorge Valdes

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.3 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.

This module was started by AMS, but would not have been completed
if Iain Truskett hadn't taken over. After his death, Jorge Valdes
assumed ownership and rewrote it in Perl.