NAME CGI::Application::Plugin::CaptureIO - Plug-in capture cache VERSION 0.01 SYNOPSIS use Your::App; use CGI::Application::Plugin::CaptureIO; DESCRIPTION When all output contents are preserved in the cache, and the same next request is transmitted, it is a plug-in that outputs contents preserved in the cache. The effect is demonstrated as a load measures on the screen where the update is not very frequent though there are a lot of requests. METHOD add_non_capture_runmodes Runmode that doesn't preserve contents in the cache is set. Example: sub setup { my $self = shift; $self->run_modes( mode => "mode1", mode2 => "mode2", non_capture => "non_capture", non_capture2 => "non_capture2", ); # Neither runmode non_capture nor non_capture2 cache contents. $self->add_non_capture_runmodes(qw(non_capture non_capture2)); } capture_init It sets it in the early preserving capture. Option: capture_clear : The contents capture file and the directory not referred to whenever capture_init is executed when setting it to "1" are deleted. The file and the directory from which several or more are not accessed are deleted at the second set with capture_ttl option. defualt 0 capture_ttl : Contents are acquired, and output from the contents capture file in second when the contents capture file specified that it preserves contents once survival time (The unit: second) with capture_ttl number's passing. default 60 capture_dir : Directory that preserves contents capture file. default /tmp/cgiapp-capture/ non_capture_rm : Runmode that doesn't preserve contents in the cache is set. Example: sub cgiapp_init { my $self = shift; $self->capture_init( capture_clear => 0, capture_ttl => 60, capture_dir => "/home/akira/myapp/tmp", non_capture_rm => [qw(non_capture1 non_capture2)], ); } current_url Current URL is returned. Example: sub mode1 { my $self = shift; # when current url is http://www.hogehoge.hoge/app?mode=mode1, http://www.hogehoge.hoge/app?mode=mode1 is stored in $current_url my $current_url = $self->current_url; } delete_non_capture_runmodes Runmode that doesn't preserve the capture contents set with add_non_capture_runmodes and capture_init is released. Example: $self->delete_non_capture_runmodes(qw(capture_mode1 capture_mode2)); TIPS It preserves in the capture cash file in case of as it is runmode that it is runmode or is error_mode specified with AUTOLOAD of $self->run_modes (Perhaps, when runmode that corresponds to the above-mentioned is called, everybody : about contents it is to be sure not to have to preserve it by them), and execute $self->add_non_capture_runmodes in AUTOLOAD and error_mode to make it not preserve, please under the present situation. # setup sub setup { my $self = shift; $self->start_mode("mode1"); $self->mode_param("mode"); $self->error_mode("error"); $self->run_modes( mode1 => "mode1", mode2 => "mode2", mode3 => "mode3", mode4 => "mode4", AUTOLOAD => "catch_exception", ); } # error mode sub error { my($self, $error) = @_; # require!! $self->add_non_capture_runmodes($self->get_current_runmode); # process start... } # AUTOLOAD mode sub catch_exception { my($self, $intended_runmode) = @_; # require!! $self->add_non_capture_runmodes(intended_runmode); # process start... } NOTES This plug-in obtains a large hint from Sledge::Plugin::CacheContents of Sledge Web Application Flamework. The function that Sledge and Sledge::Plugin::CacheContents are excellent can have been mounted as a plug-in of CGI::Application. SEE ALSO Carp CGI::Application Digest::SHA1 Exporter File::Find File::Path File::Spec File::stat Storable AUTHOR Akira Horimoto <> COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2006 Akira Horimoto This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.