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3.1 Non-option Arguments

Syntax files and output device substitutions can be specified on PSPP's command line:

A file by itself on the command line will be executed as a syntax file. PSPP terminates after the syntax file runs, unless the -i or --interactive option is given (see Language control options).
file1 file2
When two or more filenames are given on the command line, the first syntax file is executed, then PSPP's dictionary is cleared, then the second syntax file is executed.
file1 + file2
If syntax files' names are delimited by a plus sign (+), then the dictionary is not cleared between their executions, as if they were concatenated together into a single file.
Defines an output device macro key to expand to value, overriding any macro having the same key defined in the device configuration file. See Macro definitions.

There is one other way to specify a syntax file, if your operating system supports it. If you have a syntax file foobar.stat, put the notation

     #! /usr/local/bin/pspp

at the top, and mark the file as executable with chmod +x foobar.stat. (If PSPP is not installed in /usr/local/bin, then insert its actual installation directory into the syntax file instead.) Now you should be able to invoke the syntax file just by typing its name. You can include any options on the command line as usual. PSPP entirely ignores any lines beginning with #!.