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B.8.1 The HTML prologue

HTML files that are generated by PSPP consist of two parts: a prologue and a body. The prologue is a collection of boilerplate. Only the body differs greatly between two outputs. You can tune the colors and other attributes of the output by editing the prologue.

The prologue is dumped into the output stream essentially unmodified. However, two actions are performed on its lines. First, certain lines may be omitted as specified in the prologue file itself. Second, variables are substituted.

The following lines are omitted:

  1. All lines that contain three bangs in a row (!!!).
  2. Lines that contain !title, if no title is set for the output. If a title is set, then the characters !title are removed before the line is output.
  3. Lines that contain !subtitle, if no subtitle is set for the output. If a subtitle is set, then the characters !subtitle are removed before the line is output.

The following are the variables that are substituted. Only the variables listed are substituted; environment variables are not. See Environment substitutions.

PSPP version as a string: GNU PSPP 0.1b, for example.
Date the file was created. Example: Tue May 21 13:46:22 1991.
Under multiuser OSes, the user's login name, taken either from the environment variable LOGNAME or, if that fails, the result of the C library function getlogin(). Defaults to nobody.
System hostname as reported by gethostname(). Defaults to nowhere.
Document title as a string. This is the title specified in the PSPP syntax file.
Document subtitle as a string.
PSPP syntax file name. Example: mary96/first.stat.